Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Hello classmates!
I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and that 2006 has been off to a great start! Hard to believe that by year's end, we'll have had our 10 YEAR REUNION!! I'll keep you posted on details about that as they become available. I only have about 100 email addresses for our class right now, so obviously we're going to have to track a bunch of people down. If you're still in touch with classmates and they haven't been receiving these emails from me, please have them send me their email address and I'll add them to our contact list. You can also refer them to this page. I'll be keeping it updated with the info.

The Chelmsford High School Alumni Association will be publishing its spring newsletter very soon, and we'd love to share your news in the Class of 1996 section of Class News!

Please take a moment to email me with anything you'd like to share. Marriages, engagements, births, graduation, new job, fun vacation, or just say hi and tell us what you've been up to lately!

The deadline for submission is Friday, January 16.

Just a reminder that if you'd like to join the CHSAA for just $10/year, email me and I'll give you the details how!

Take care,
Jessica :)