Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Happy Spring! It’s newsletter time!

The Chelmsford High School Alumni Association newsletter, The Lion’s Pride, is about to publish its summer issue and needs news on what the Class of 1996 is up to. The deadline is May 14th to submit your news to me (but the sooner, the better).

It'd be great if you could email me with a blurb about your life, work, adventures, whatever. Even if you just want to say you’d love to hear from people and post your email address. That’s cool.

The most common entries go like this:

Classmate A is living in Hudson, NH and works as a marketing rep for a large chain of furniture stores. She’s engaged to Random Guy with plans for a June wedding in Chelmsford.


Congratulations to Classmate B, who ran the Boston Marathon in April for the second time! He lives in Brookline, MA and encourages former classmates to get in touch with him at classmateB@email.com.

Seriously, one or two lines are all you need (but feel free to tell us more). Here are some ideas to get you started. You don’t have to get detailed.

-Where are you living?
-Where do you work?
-Still in school? What are you studying?
-Have any recent accomplishments you want to brag about?
-Are you engaged or married?
-Do you have any children?
-Have you taken any fun vacations recently?
-Post your email address/website

Share your news!

You can join the Chelmsford High School Alumni Association (and receive The Lion’s Pride newsletter) by downloading the membership application from the link on the right of this page.

I hope all is well!

Jessica :)